Ana Aha
ANA AHA is a European based artist born in Yugoslavia whose studio is in Vienna, Austria. She studied Graphic and Painting in Expanded Pictorial Space at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work has been exhibited in Europe and USA, and is part of art collections in Europe, Japan, USA and British Columbia, Canada. Regarding Ana’s work, she has initiated numerous artistic happenings and activities, and has given interviews to magazines and for books while also appearing on European TV and Radio programs.
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at the Studio, 2022
ANA AHA is showing an installation at her Viennese studio.
Round Painting Word Oil on Canvas, ø 40 cm ©️ANA AHA 2019
Small Painting Framed O.T. Tempera on Pasted Lined Board, 15 cm ©️ANA AHA 2007
„I am coming from a language that I am slowly forgetting to the language that I do not yet know.“ ANA AHA, 2021